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Open 8am-6pm

Set in the beautiful Glebe Meadow, Limpsfield our woodland nursery is open 8am – 6pm. We have designed our own purpose built nursery around the needs of our children. Open Monday to Friday. Pre-school hours, or you can tag on breakfast and afterschool care.

All funding accepted

FEET,  FEE 3-5 year old 15 hour and 30 hour funding and Working Entitlement Funding is accepted to cover 38 weeks of the year. We are open 5 weeks longer than school term time – all places are for 43 weeks of the year (please note we are not open every week of the year – please see our term dates below) Call Ali on 07812 522492 to register

Nursery Places

We provide nursery places for children from 2 – 5 year olds. Come for a look around – email  ali@panda-nursery.co.uk or give us a call on 07812 522492 .

Our Nursery

Nestled down on the glebe field surrounded by nature, our nursery provides a caring, nurturing environment for all our little Pandas and has been running for over 60 years. 5 years ago we built a purpose built premise, designed around the needs of the children and moved down from St Peter’s Hall, to our lovely new home.

We are not a business chain or committee led, we are run by a family who has dedicated over 33 years to providing all our children with the best learning experience and lots and lots of fun!

Our mission is to set children up for success by providing an environment and expert teaching to help children be the best they can be. From providing a safe space for children to manage their emotions, to master toilet training and independence, and confidence – we support every unique child on their learning journey.                              



Panda in a nutshell

Painting at Panda!

Getting messy!


Using shaving foam and paint to strengthen
our gross motor skills  

Celebrating British values at snack time,
china cups, yummy fruit, listening to others,
having great conversations with good table


Every day is a fun adventure

We balance short, small group adult directed activities with child led play, making sure we have lots of time for children to explore and test out their new ideas on their own or with their peers. Every day we are off on a new adventure led by the children.

We encourage independence and the development of skills which will support children to be great citizens and life long learners.

​We take children from 2 years old, it’s fine if they are still in nappies – we work with you when you and your child are ready for toilet training. Our 2 year olds develop their confidence and independence in an environment where they feel safe and settled away from their parents.

​We build on basic skills: sharing, turn taking, making friends, using the toilet, developing their independence.  We also teach basic letters, numbers, colours and shapes.

We could be off on a nature walk on the field one day, jumping in muddy puddles, bathing babies or building obstacle courses.  We love reading stories, puppet shows, singing songs, painting, running around outside and having lots of fun!

​Our 3-4 year olds learn through adventurers each day, learning to put on their coat, make and play with friends, make the right choices and have a go at new challenges. We also support them to develop pre-handwriting skills through fine and gross motor activities and pre-reading skills.

We  love music and movement, we are always singing and dancing.  We use this to support children’s imagination, expression and communication skills.  

Healthy Eating

Children are provided with fruit for morning snack and they bring a packed lunch in for lunchtime.

We cook fresh, home made, healthy and yummy food for our breakfast and afterschool clubs on site. Made by our wonderful nursery chefs. All allergies are catered for and we are a nuts free zone.  We have achieved the Eat Well Start Well Award for the meals we provide.

SEN Support

We pride ourselves in supporting all children to be included in the learning opportunities in our setting. Our SEN Team (Special Educational Needs) work hard supporting all children who need that little extra support. Our SENCO is Kelly Thompson supported by Ali Thompson and all Key Workers.

SENCO support is integrated with a child’s key person and we work together with parents and outside agencies (Speech & Language, Paediatric consultants, Health visitors etc.) to provide united support for our children. 

Panda Nursery, Limpsfield, near Oxted, Surrey

From one working parent to another…We understand how busy you are.

We are all working parents juggling work / life balance. We pride ourselves in being there to support our parents, from flexible sessions, that helping hand at drop off or a cuppa and chat when you are having a bad day.

We work with you to support your child through these precious early years. Open communication is really important to us.

Email is our main form of communication; ensuring even those busy working parents who can’t always pick / drop off are kept informed. We email a termly list of activities and dates giving you plenty of notice of those dates you need to book off and come in to join nursery events.

We also use a secure online journal to keep you updated of your child’s progress and have text system for those quick messages and reminders.

This is all in addition to the usual notice boards and we are around for a good old fashion chat whenever you need to.

Ali Thompson is around most days in reception to greet you and answer any queries you have.

It is really important to us that you are involved in your child’s journey with us. We encourage you to add posts to their online journal and come along to parent appointment and events.

We’re here to help, and do our best to support your child and family. Whether you are just having a bad day and need an cuppa and someone to talk too, or need help finding specific help groups or financial support, we will do our best to help.

More than just Early Years Practitioners 
“I’m so proud of my team – who together, work hard everyday to make Panda the best nursery around” Ali Thompson (Panda Director)

View our outline of A Panda Practitioner to see what outstanding qualities we expect from our team.

Recruiting the best team
When recruiting our team we look for that special sparkle. That person who excites, inspires and captures the attention of our children.

We also look for those with the skills, warmth and enthusiasm to fit into our hard working team. Most of our staff are parents themselves, and have the life experience parenthood brings. Many are Level 3 qualified and we all follow a comprehensive training programme. As a team we have high expectations for ourselves as well as our children.

We follow a Safer Recruitment process and all the latest safeguarding procedures. Staff complete an induction and probation process and have regular appraisals, 1 to 1 support meetings and training reviews.

Whole nursery learning
The Director, Room Leaders and Early Years Practitioners are Level 3 trained in childcare. We are all first aid, health and safety and Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene trained. We update our Paediatric First Aid qualification as a team every 3 years.

Our culture is one of whole nursery learning – for the children and staff. We all have training and development plans and regularly attend courses. We work hard to ensure we have a clear understanding of how children learn, and how to provide rich, varied, learning experiences.


A bit about our Director


I’ve been involved with Panda for over 15 years now. I started out supporting my mother in law June Thompson who dedicated over 19 years to Panda and is still on hand now!

I’m crystal clear on my vision to make Panda Nursery the best place for children to learn and develop and uncompromising on continuously reflecting and improving all we do to ensure we follow outstanding practice. I want the best for my children and see all children at Panda as part of our family. I base all we do on – would it be good enough for my child?  Would I be happy as a parent?  

 I started to support June Thompson with finance and accounting, managing HR and working on improving internal and external communications. Once I had my children my outlook on life changed. My love of Panda grew along with my wish to be around more for my children and help support them and many other children with the best start they can have in their early years. I slowly became more involved with supporting the business and took over  from my mother-in-law, June Thompson in September 2014.

I have 2 amazing children; both my son and daughter came to Panda and are still involved.

With a 1st Class (HONS) Management Studies degree (Bsc) from Brunel University, I worked in Marketing for over 10 years. Being part of and then managing Marketing teams in Insurance and IT.  While working in Marketing I completed a Postgraduate CIM Diploma in Marketing and went on to become a Chartered Marketer with CIM Membership (MCIM).  As my focus on Panda grew I studied and completed the Level 3 Children’s & Young Person Diploma. I now aim to complete a short course each term to keep my knowledge fresh and drive our brilliant nursery to continuously improve.

I love hearing your views and am happy to chat about any concerns. You can find me in reception, email me on ali@panda-nursery.co.uk or call me on 07812 522492. Come and have a chat.

Ali Thompson
Panda Nursery Director
Level 3 Children’s & Young Person Diploma
Management Studies Bsc (HONS) 1st Class
Postgraduate CIM Diploma in Marketing – MCIM Chartered Marketer


Every day we aim to be one step better than we were yesterday.

We regularly review our sessions, routines and environment at a management and team level to ensure we are providing best practice and meeting the needs of our children.

At least one of us a term is on a training course and bring back a wealth of knowledge to share with our team. We welcome parent feedback at any time, we’ll always acknowledge your comments and feedback what action we’ve taken.

We also work closely with other nurseries, childminders and nannies in the area, learning from each other and sharing ideas. We work together when we share a child between settings to support a joined up, complete learning journey.


Happy Parents


Important Info


Free Early Education for Two Year Olds image, used on Panda Nursery's website. Panda nursery is in Limpsfield, near Oxted, Surrey


We accept 15, 30 hour and 2 year old funding. Outside of this funding all hours are chargeable.  Please note all places are for 43 weeks of the year. We are not open the full 52 weeks of the year.

How do you claim the funding?

FEET Funding 
You can use FEET funding at Panda stretched across 43 weeks of the year – which equals a maximum of 13 hours a week. Surrey Council also restrict the total amount of hours you can claim per term, so please refer to our funding guide before confirming your hours.

Universal Funding (15 Hours for 3 – 4 year olds)
All children in the term after they are 3 years old are entitled to the universal 15 hours. We arrange this for you, we’ll pass you a form to complete at the end of the term before you can start claiming.

Working Entitlement Funding (30 hours for 3-4 year olds / 15 hours for 2 year olds)
You may also be eligible for this 15 hours funding if you meet the criteria. You can find out more about this criteria on the Surrey Early Years website

To claim the funding you need to apply for an eligibility code through the gov.uk website: https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk  the https://www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator might help.

Funding limits
Please note that Surrey Council only allow us to claim 3 year old funding during surrey term time (38 weeks of the year). Panda runs for 43 weeks of the year, so for 5 weeks a year our sessions are fully chargeable. This usually works out that 1 week in Autumn term is chargeable and 2 weeks in our Spring and Summer terms.

At Panda you can use your funding to cover morning or afternoon sessions but if your child comes all day you pay for 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Government tax accounts and Childcare Vouchers
We accept payment from both the government child tax accounts and childcare voucher scheme. Please let us know the name of your childcare provider and we can send you our account reference

You can find out more about all the options open to you at: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ or the Surrey Early Years website:  FEET funding for 2 year olds / Free Education Funding for 3 and 4 year olds

You can also download the Surrey Privacy Notice.  View our blog for more information about the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). 

We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest – so if feel free to come in and talk to us if you have any questions regarding the funding.

Waiting List

Places are limited and we operate a waiting list system.
To register your place on our waiting list please email ali@panda-nursery.co.uk for an application form.

We ask for a £25 application fee which covers the cost of processing new applicants and confirms your place on our waiting list. It is not a deposit. The fee does not guarantee the full 15 / 30 hours or any specific sessions as sessions are offered on availability. We do our best to offer a place around your preferred start date, but places are limited and the start date on your application form is not guaranteed by the application fee.  Once you are on our waiting list we will contact you as soon as we know a place is available and in which sessions.

Our main intake is in September. We do take children throughout the year but places are more limited.

If your child is 3 years old at the time of application or eligible for FEET funding then you are not required to pay this application fee. Unless you wish to register a place on the waiting list over 10 weeks in advance of your preferred start date.

Opening Times   

We are open 8am – 6pm every week day for 43 weeks of the year. Children can attend for the standard pre-school day or tag our breakfast and/ or afterschool club onto the day.

Please note the age below is usually the age the children start in the groups. Children typically stay in the same group for the academic year.

Children 3.5 – 5 Years Adventurers
8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast Club  (includes breakfast)
8:30 – 12:30 Pre-school
12:30 – 15:45 Pre-school
15:45 – 16:30 / 18:00 After School Club (includes a light tea)
Children 2 -3.5  Years Explorers
8:00 – 9:15 Breakfast Club (includes breakfast)
9:15 – 12:15 Pre-school
12:15 – 15:30 Pre-school
15:30 – 16:30 / 18:00 After School Club (includes a light tea)

We are closed on Bank holidays and Surrey School Half Term breaks

Term dates:

2024 – 2025

Autumn Term: Monday 2 September – Friday 20 December 2024
(Half Term break (Panda closed) 28 October – 1 November)

Spring Term: Monday 6 January – Friday 11 April 2025
(Half Term break (Panda closed) 17 February – 21 February)

Summer Term: Tuesday 22 April – Friday 8 August 2025
(Half Term break (Panda closed) 26 May – 30 May)

2025 – 2026

Autumn Term: Monday 1 Sept – Friday 19 December 2025
(Half Term break (Panda closed): 27 October – 31 October)

Spring Term: Monday 5 January – Thursday 2 April 2026
(Half Term break (Panda closed) 16 February – 20 February)

Summer Term: Monday 13 April – Friday 7 August 2026
(Half Term break (Panda Closed 25 May – 29 May)

  • Domestic Abuse Support: The Surrey against domestic abuse website offers help and support for anyone in the county affected by domestic abuse.  Visit www.surreyagainstda.info for more information.
  •  Parent Info: provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children’s wellbeing and resilience.  For more information, please visit the website: http://parentinfo.org/
  • Family Line is here to listen. No problem is too big or too small. Their helpline is open to  everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or beliefs. They listen well, provide emotional support and can help you to look at potential ways forward. All calls are anonymous.  Call if you’d like to talk in complete confidence on: 0808 800 5678.
  • Children and Family Health Surrey provide NHS children’s community health services across Surrey. Children, young people and their families and carers benefit from one service providing both physical and emotional wellbeing services across the county. These community health services focus on the prevention of ill health, promoting and supporting child development and providing targeted and specialist medical, nursing and therapy services. Find out more: http://childrenshealthsurrey.nhs.uk/



Location and Contact details

Ali Thompson - Director, Telephone 07812 522492, Email ali@panda-nursery.co.uk

Panda Nursery, Glebe Meadow, Limpsfield, Surrey RH8 0DG

Driven by our dream for Panda Nursery to have its own home, we have designed a purpose built, amazing building which provides the absolute best learning environment for our children. Nestled in the woodland and beautiful green space of the Glebe Meadow we take advantage of all the nature, and countryside around us.

We are located at the bottom of St Peter’s Hall car park – on the Glebe Meadow. We have plenty of parking which enables you to quickly drop off and pick up as we know your time is precious. We are under 10 minutes from Oxted or Hurst Green train station so can support working, commuting families.

You can request an application form by emailing ali@panda-nursery.co.uk or giving us a call on 07812 522492

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Copyright 2019  Panda Nursery (Panda Pre-school Ltd)
All rights reserved.

Copyright 2016 Hurst Green & Holland
Children’s Centre. All Rights Reserved.