Summer term event dates:
•Closed for Bank Holiday: Monday 4 May
•Closed because the Hall is being used for the Elections: Thursday 7 May (including no ballet)
•Parent’s Evening: Wed 10 June: 18:00 – 20:30 See your key person a couple of weeks before to arrange an appointment time.
•Teddy Bear’s picnic with families: Tuesday 9 June – 12:30
Weather permitting all Explorers and their families are invited to join us for a picnic on the Glebe Field.
•Thursday 18 June: 9:15 – 9:45: Bring your Dad or Grandad to nursery
•Friday 3 July: 14:15: Sports Day
•Friday 10 July: 14:15: Leaver’s Show
•Thursday 16 July: 12:30: Ballet watching class