
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

We aim to ensure that all our children do as well as they can in their early years but we know that many children from lower income families need a boost in order for this to happen. For this reason the Government has just introduced extra funding to childcare providers, called the Early Years Pupil…

Explorers – Summer 2015 Dates

Explorers – Dates for your diary Closed for Bank Holiday: Monday 4 May Closed because the Hall is being used for the Elections: Thursday 7 May  (including no ballet) Teddy Bear’s picnic with families:  Tuesday 9 June – 12:30 Weather permitting all Explorers and their families are invited to join us for a picnic on…

Adventurers Summer 2015 Dates

Monday 4 May: Closed for Bank Holiday Thursday 7 May: Closed because the hall is being used for the Elections  (including no ballet) Wednesday 10 June: 18:00 – 20:30: Parent’s Evening Thursday 18 June: 9:15 – 9:45: Bring your Dad or Grandad to nursery Friday 3 July: 14:15: Sports Day Friday 10 July: 14:15: Leaver’s…

Adventurers Activities – Summer 2015

Adventurers themes and activities this summer term: Letters: j,k,l,m,n,o Number and shapes are also integrated into each session Independence skills: Asking for help Finding our own coat and shoes Putting our own things away at lunch and snack Saying “stop, I don’t like it” when we are not happy with another person’s actions and respecting…

Explorer Activities – Summer 2015

  Themes this term for the Explorers: Nature and growing; Sharing, caring and helping each other; Playing together; Listening and attention; Basic numbers, shapes and colours   Our activities and routines also support the 7 areas of learning: PSED, Communication and Language, Physical development, Maths, Literacy, Understanding the world and Expressive arts.