
Explorers: Snapshot of the Spring term

Some of the things we plan to get up to this term: Fun games around letter sounds a and b, numbers 1-5 and 2d shapes Focusing on making friends and playing together Interactive stories and puppet shows We’ll be supporting pre-writing skills with lots of large free art and mark making with decorating brushes, sponges, rollers etc. This is…

Learn with me

The first few years are the most important in your child’s learning and development. As a parent or carer you have the biggest influence during this time and there are a number of ways in which you can help with their early development.  Surrey Early Years are currently running a campaign called: Learn with me…

Count with me leaflets – tips for parents of 0-5s

Count with me is part of Surrey Early Years: Learn with me campaign. It’s full of tips and activity ideas to get your child of to a great start. Maths is everywhere, even for babies, and by seven months old babies already have a sense of numbers. But there’s more to maths than counting and these leaflets…

Supporting Learning at home

At nursery we follow the EYFS and you too could support these areas of learning. Under Physical Development: Health & Self Care – you could support home learning by encouraging your child to:       Dress and undress Remove their coat, gloves, hat etc, and hang them up Fasten own shoes (velcro) Use the toilet properly, flush…