
Explorers: Autumn 2015 Activities

Our themes this term include; What’s under the sea, Princess and Pirates and nature. This term we are focusing on: Basic numbers and concepts like big, small, sorting and collecting Letter sounds, shapes and colours Going on nature walks, treasure hunts and bug hunts. Music, movement and learning nursery rhymes, including: Humpty Dumpty, Miss Polly…

Adventurers: Autumn 2015 Activities

Our themes this term include; All about me, Being Healthy, Keeping safe, Nature and animals in hibernation This term we are focusing on: Sounds: a – n, one a week. Nursery rhymes, including: Humpty Dumpty, Miss Polly had a Dolly and Hickory Dickory Dock. (View more about how we are supporting pre-reading skills on our…

Supporting your child’s learning at home

Sylva et all (2004) identified particular activities that stretch a child’s mind: Singing songs and rhymes Reading with and to children Playing with letters and numbers Going to the library Creating opportunities to play with friends Painting and drawing Going on a visits …Having lots of fun at home with you! Bookstart Trust