Adventurers & Junior Adventurers: Activities this term
This term we are Superheroes! We have planned lots of activities which will cover all areas of learning from making masks and capes to fun physical challenges. We are also using the Superhero theme to teach the children the rules and boundaries within our setting.
Other activities include:
- Looking at recycling and waste
- Enjoying our outside space – planting bulbs and flowers to support the Limpsfield in Bloom competition and the Oxted & District Horticultural Society’s ‘Celebration of Local Gardening’ competition
- Celebrating the Queen’s Birthday
- Sports Day and Father’s Day events
- Music and Write dance
- Lots of role play including hairdressers, zoo, vets, office, shops and birthday parties
- Learning our sounds y, z, a, b, c, d and e, careful counting and basic mathematical language
- Learning how to hold our pencil correctly and start to form letters
- Working on our independence and school readiness skills
- Preparing the children who are leaving for school with story sacks, circle time discussions and visits from their new teachers
- Science activities on a Friday – from making volcanoes to finding out which things sink & float