We aim to ensure that all our children do as well as they can in their early years but we know that many children from lower income families need a boost in order for this to happen. For this reason the Government has just introduced extra funding to childcare providers, called the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). We would like to use this money to add to what we currently offer, developing our speech and language support and school readiness activities. All our children will benefit as a result.
Your child may be eligible for the EYPP if you get any of these benefits:
We may also be able to apply for the funding if your child:
- Has been Iooked after by the local authority for at least one day
- Has been adopted from care
- Has left care through special guardianship
- Is subject to a child arrangement order
If you think that your child could be eligible, or have any questions about this, please speak to Ali Thompson.
Any information you share will be completely confidential. This will not affect any benefits you receive.