
Adventurers: Autumn 2015 Activities

Our themes this term include; All about me, Being Healthy, Keeping safe, Nature and animals in hibernation

This term we are focusing on:

  • Sounds: a – n, one a week.
  • Nursery rhymes, including: Humpty Dumpty, Miss Polly had a Dolly and Hickory Dickory Dock. (View more about how we are supporting pre-reading skills on our website)
  • Reading lots of books around our themes and including our favourites: Aliens in under pants and Shark in the Park.
  • Our Write dance programme will  run on Friday afternoon (read more about how this supports pre-writing skills on our website)
  • As well as learning numbers and careful counting, we will have lots of fun with sequences and 3D shapes. We also incorporate using maths into all other areas of learning.
  • We have a Kindness Tree this term and when we see a child demonstrating;  good sharing, turn taking, kind hands and being kind to our friends – their name is written on a leaf and added to the tree. We are looking forward to seeing this tree blooming during the Autumn months even though the trees outside might be losing their leaves!


Weekly Plans

You can view the full plan for each week on Planning page. 
It is also available to read at the signing in/ out desk in our reception.